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Split-Phase EV Charger Installation

This guide comprehensively covers split-phase EV charger installation. In residential settings in the United States, electrical systems commonly use split-phase distribution.

This setup involves two hot wires (typically black and red), one neutral wire (usually white), and one ground wire (typically green or bare copper). Each hot wire carries 120 volts relative to the neutral wire, making it effectively a 240-volt split-phase system.

The split-phase system configuration system is a common residential electrical system configuration that supports standard 120V single-phase EV charger installation as well as 240V Split-Phase EV Charger Installation. It’s well-suited for installing Level 1 EV chargers operating at 120V, as well as Level 2 EV chargers operating at 240V.

Table of Contents

Split-Phase Electrical Panel Wiring Diagram

The image depicts a split-phase electrical panel configuration, highlighting essential components and connections. At the center, a main breaker switch with active lugs stands prominently, serving as the primary disconnect for the panel. Adjacent to this, the neutral busbar is clearly identified, maintaining separation from the ground busbar but connected via visible electrical bonding. A ground rod is present, indicating a robust grounding system.

The panel features breaker slots designed for both single pole 120V circuits and double pole 240V circuits. Two hot busbars, labeled L1 and L2, facilitate these circuits, with L1 and L2 supporting 120V circuits independently and providing a combined 240V output where necessary. The diagram emphasizes the electrical continuity and safety measures, including the presence of an earth conductor and specific labeling for each component to ensure clarity and compliance with electrical codes and standards.

This configuration serves as a foundational illustration of a residential or commercial electrical distribution system, highlighting the essential elements required for safe and efficient power distribution across various circuits and appliances within a building.

The illustrative image above shows a split-phase electrical panel wiring diagram for 120V and 240V circuits, three wires are entering the main panel from the energy meter.

  • 120V L1 (Hot) = Black color
  • 120V L2 (Hot 2) = Red color (for illustration purposes only)
  • N (Neutral) = White color

The two hot wires are connected to the main electrical panel circuit breaker with active main breaker lugs, from the main electrical panel circuit breaker the hot current is transferred to hot busbars labeled hot busbars 1 and 2, each busbar carries 120V and 240V between the two busbars.

As shown in the split-phase electrical panel wiring diagram above the neutral wire is connected to the neutral busbar which bonds (electrical bonding) with the ground busbar, the neutral wire and neutral busbar both carry 0V.

To ensure proper grounding for the EV charger, both the neutral busbar and the ground busbar in the electrical panel are bonded together. Additionally, an earth connector runs from the ground busbar to a ground rod specifically for grounding the EV charger.

120V Single-Phase EV Charger Installation

Below we have outlined the steps for 120V single-phase EV charger installation in single-home EV charger installations.

120V single-phase EV charger installations are commonly used in Level 1 EV charging which require plugging in a 120V Level 1 EV charger such as the Lectron Level 1 EV charger to a 120V electric vehicle branch circuit.

How to Wire a 120V Single-Phase EV Charger Installation

To install a Level 1 EV charger you will need to mount a single pole EV charger circuit breaker to any of the hot busbars breaker slots depending on the power rating of the EV charger (kW). A 2.8 kW Level 1 EV charger will require a 15A dedicated EV charger circuit breaker, and a 3.8 kW Level 1 EV charger will require a dedicated 20A EV charger circuit breaker.

To install a 2.8 kW Level 1 EV charger in a 120V single-phase EV charger installation, we prefer to use the Siemens Q115 15-Amp single pole type QP circuit breaker.

For a 3.8 kW Level 1 EV charger single-phase EV charger installation, we prefer to use the Siemens Q120 20-Amp single pole type QP circuit breaker.

To learn more about Siemens circuit breakers, and their application in EV charging, please read our guide on Siemens EV Charger Circuit Breakers or if you would like to understand all about EV charging circuit breakers check out our guide on Electric Vehicle Charger Circuit Breaker Selection Guide

You will then be required to wire the single-pole EV charger circuit breaker to the NEMA 5-15R for plug-in 120V level 1 EV charger installations as shown in the NEMA 5-15R wiring diagram below:

The image depicts a close-up view of a NEMA 5-15R outlet, commonly used in residential settings. The outlet is clearly labeled with wiring information: the black wire corresponds to the hot terminal, the white wire to the neutral terminal, and the green wire to the ground terminal.

A NEMA 5-15R is a standard 120V electrical outlet in the United States that operates on a single-phase electrical system, providing 120 volts of alternating current (VAC) to plug-in EV charger installations.

To connect the NEMA 5-15R with its circuit breaker, you will need the correct electric vehicle branch circuit wire size depending on the power rating of the EV charger and the dedicated circuit breaker used, for A 2.8 kW Level 1 EV charger using a 15A dedicated EV charger circuit breaker you will need 14 AWG (2.08 mm²) wires, and 12 AWG (3.31 mm²) wire size for a 3.8 kW Level 1 EV charger secured by a dedicated 20A EV charger circuit breaker.

The wire should have a green ground wire that should be connected to the ground terminal of the NEMA 5-15R and the ground bus of the electrical panel for proper Level 1 EV charger grounding.

At the end of the installation, your 120V single-phase Plug-in EV charger installation will look similar to the Level 1 Plug-in EV charger installation branch circuit below:

The image shows a residential electrical setup for a Level 1 plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charger installation. It includes the following components: ground/earth connection, electrical bonding, terminals marked N, L1, and L2, and a NEMA outlet positioned 20-26 inches from the ground for accessibility. The installation utilizes a NEMA 5-15 receptacle outlet and 1-¼ inch conduit. Wire sizes include 14 AWG for a 15A circuit breaker and 12 AWG for a 20A circuit breaker. Circuit breaker sizes are specified as 15A for a 2.8kW EV charger and 20A for a 3.8kW EV charger.

For Level 1 hardwired EV charger installations (not common), your 120V single-phase electric vehicle branch circuit will connect with the EV charger terminals at a junction box as shown in the Level 1 hardwired EV charger installation branch circuit below:

The image depicts a residential electrical setup for a Level 1 hardwired electric vehicle (EV) charger installation. It includes components such as ground/earth connection, electrical bonding, terminals marked N, L1, and L2, and a junction box installed 20-26 inches from the ground for accessibility. The installation utilizes 1-¼ inch conduit and specifies wire sizes of 14 AWG for a 15A circuit breaker and 12 AWG for a 20A circuit breaker. Circuit breaker sizes are designated as 15A for a 2.8kW EV charger and 20A for a 3.8kW EV charger.

240V Split-Phase EV Charger Installation

Our 240V split-phase EV charger installation will show you how to install a Level 2 Fast EV charger that requires 240V of current, 240V split current EV charger installation is also referred to as 240V single-phase EV charger installation and should be used to connect to a single load point such as an EV charger.

How To Wire a 240V Split-Phase EV Charger Installation

To install a level 2 EV charger to a 240V split current you will need a dedicated two-pole EV charger circuit breaker that mounts between the two hot busbars 1 and 2 in a split phase electrical panel since each hot busbar has 120V, combined they make up 240V required to power a Level 2 EV charger such as the Enphase IQ 50 EV Charger, depending on the power rating of the EV charger you will need anywhere between 30A to 100 A double pole circuit breakers.

Below we have created a table for you to make it easy to purchase the right two-pole EV charger circuit breaker depending on the power rating of your Level 2 EV charger.

Two-Pole EV Charger Circuit BreakerRecommended EV Charger Circuit BreakerPower Rating of Level 2 EV Charger (kW)
30SIEMENS Q230 30-Amp Double Pole Type QP Circuit Breaker5.7
40Siemens Q240 40-Amp Double Pole Type QP Circuit Breaker, Black7.6
50Siemens Q250 50 Amp Double Pole Type QP Circuit Breaker9.6
60Siemens Q260 60 Amp Double Pole Type QP Circuit Breaker11.5
100Siemens Q2100 100 Amp Double Pole Type QP Circuit Breaker19.2

You will also need two output wires from the double pole circuit breaker and connect them EV charger to the NEMA 14-50R receptacle outlet or a hardwired EV charger junction box depending on whether you have a Plug-in Level 2 EV charger or a hardwired Level 2 EV charger, the wire should include a ground wire that should connect from the NEMA 14-50R ground terminal to the electrical panel ground bus.

The illustrative image below shows how to wire the NEMA 14-50R receptacle outlet two hot wired and the ground wire.

Diagram depicting the wiring configuration of a NEMA 14-50R outlet for a Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charger. The diagram shows five terminals labeled and connected as follows: a ground terminal connected to the grounding wire, a neutral terminal connected to the neutral wire, and two hot terminals each connected to separate hot wires. The outlet itself is labeled 'NEMA 14-50R Outlet' at the top, indicating its type and configuration according to National Electrical Manufacturers Association standards.

To connect the dedicated two-pole EV charger circuit breaker to the NEMA 14-50R receptacle outlet or the level 2 EV charger branch circuit junction box, you will require the right wire size depending on the power rating of your Level 2 EV charger and the dedicated dual pole circuit breaker used, The table below will guide you on the correct wire size of your 240V split-phase EV branch circuit:

EV Charger Wire GaugeEV Charger Wire Size (mm²)Electric Vehicle Branch Circuit BreakerPower Rating of EV Charger (kW)
10 AWG5.26 mm²30 Amp Circuit5.7 kW
8 AWG8.36 mm²40 Amp Circuit7.6 kW
6 AWG13.30 mm²50 Amp Circuit9.6 kW
4 AWG21.15 mm²60 Amp Circuit11.5 kW

At the end of your 240V split-phase plug-in EV charger installation, your electric vehicle branch circuit should look similar to the 240V split-phase Plug-in EV branch circuit diagram below:

This image shows a technical diagram detailing the installation requirements for a Level 2 plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charger. It includes the following components and specifications: a ground/earth connection, electrical bonding, and terminals labeled N (neutral), L1, and L2. The installation requires a 240V split-phase circuit, utilizing a NEMA 14-50R receptacle outlet positioned 20-26 inches above ground level. A 1-¼" conduit is used, with recommended wire sizes of 10 AWG for a 30A circuit breaker, 8 AWG for 40A, 6 AWG for 50A, and 4 AWG for 60A. The appropriate circuit breaker size is determined by the EV charger's power output: 30A for a 5.7kW charger, 40A for 7.6kW, 50A for 9.6kW, and 60A for 11.5kW.

For the hardwired Level 2 EV charger, your 240V split-phase EV charger installation will connect to the Level 2 EV charger at the junction box as shown in the hardwired Level 2 EV charger 240V split-phase EV branch circuit diagram below:

This technical diagram illustrates the installation specifications for a Level 2 hardwired electric vehicle (EV) charger. It features components including a ground/earth connection, electrical bonding, and terminals labeled N (neutral), L1, and L2. The setup requires a 240V split-phase circuit, utilizing a 1-¼" conduit. Recommended wire sizes are 10 AWG for a 30A circuit breaker, 8 AWG for 40A, 6 AWG for 50A, and 4 AWG for 60A. Circuit breaker sizing varies based on the EV charger's power output: 30A for 5.7kW, 40A for 7.6kW, 50A for 9.6kW, and 60A for 11.5kW. Additionally, a junction box is installed 20-26 inches from the ground to facilitate wiring connections.


Installing a split-phase EV charger involves careful consideration of electrical panel configurations and wiring specifications. Whether opting for a 120V single-phase setup or a 240V split-phase system, adherence to local electrical codes and manufacturer guidelines is crucial to ensure safety and optimal performance.

The provided wiring diagrams and installation steps serve as foundational guides, emphasizing the importance of proper grounding, breaker sizing, and voltage compatibility. By following these procedures diligently, electric vehicle owners can effectively and safely integrate charging solutions into their residential electrical systems, contributing to both convenience and sustainability in transportation.

James Ndungu

About the Author

James Ndungu is a certified EV charger installer with over five years of experience in Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) selection, permitting, and installation. He holds advanced certifications, including the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP), and diplomas in Electric Vehicle Technology and Engineering Fundamentals of EVs. Since 2021, James has been a frequent tester of EV chargers and accessories, providing expert insights into the latest EV charging solutions.

Last update on 2025-03-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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